You, I and Krishna
Broadband with Krishna
Sunday, 25 August 2013
Sunday, 28 July 2013
Is there boredom in chanting
Hare Krishna Maha-mantra?
The reality is that by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra with devotional love one is directly associating with Lord Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who has inconceivable innumerable attributes. Even if we were to connect with just one attribute of Krishna, we could go deeper and deeper into that one attribute with ever-increasing taste and bliss for all of eternity, what to speak of innumerable attributes!
Therefore there is absolutely no question of boredom in Krishna consciousness. Rather, it is material sense gratification which is indescribably, intolerably boring.
Connect with Krishna, every moment
The secret of success in Krishna consciousness is to connect each and every minute of your day with Krishna. In this way, there will be no gaps for maya. Once you completely block out maya by 24 hours a day of Krishna consciousness, you will feel how you are living constantly in the association of Krishna. This is the supreme perfection of existence.
There is nothing more sublime and wonderful than this. There are so many ways we can connect with Krishna. If you get tired of connecting with Him in one way, try connecting with Him in another way. In this way, gradually, gradually you will become so purified that you will easily remain blissfully connected with Krishna for all of eternity.
Krishna Story 16
by J.K. Sivan
The rivers are always enchanting to look at,and especially in the evenings. if one has a chance to sit on the river sand facing the running water with friends to talk about on interesting subjects, while munching ground nuts and baked peas, in cool breeze, there is nothing equal to it, is n’t it? In summer particularly, such an opportunity is pleasant, quite enjoyable and most welcome.
The author can be reached at:
by J.K. Sivan
The rivers are always enchanting to look at,and especially in the evenings. if one has a chance to sit on the river sand facing the running water with friends to talk about on interesting subjects, while munching ground nuts and baked peas, in cool breeze, there is nothing equal to it, is n’t it? In summer particularly, such an opportunity is pleasant, quite enjoyable and most welcome.
At one time, it was not so with the river Yamuna, because people
considered it dangerous to enter the river, or drink its water. Why so,
because Yamuna always had clean crystal clear waters with facilities for people
to bathe and enjoy drinking its water? The reason for fear of
nearing Yamuna was not very difficult to understand. A big
poisonous snake had now taken Yamuna as its refuge and turned the waters
deadly poisonous and killed the animals, birds and innocent beings entering
Yamuna. Even plants too were not growing near the river! This happened all of a sudden recently. Heretofore it
was a paradise for the children of Vrindhavan to swim and play in Yamuna.
The snake which now occupied Yamuna was known as Kaleeyan. He was
in fight with Garuda, the eagleking, his arch enemy, for long and
escaped the attacks of Garuda by taking refuge in the deep Yamuna. Why
Kaleeyan chose Yamuna because there was a curse by a Rishi on Garudan
that if he entered Brindhavan he will meet with his death. So
Garudan cannot threaten the life of Kaleeyan if he is in Yamuna in
Brindhavan!! But Kaleeyan posed a threat to others in Brindhavan by
his presence!
There was a big jamboo tree on the banks of Yamuna which was
very old , Its branches were over hanging the river and the boys used to climb
the tree and jump into the river from the low branches above the river.
Krishna and the boys were always playing there but were prevented by
elders and others not to go near the river now because of Kaleeyan’s
presence in the river.
That evening Krishna and his friends were playing a stick
game. Everyone had a long stick with which they will have
to hit the stick held high by the loser in the game.
The boy has to run and pick up his stick hit away by others, and touch
the nearest one whose turn it will be to hold the stick to be hit by
others. The game was interesting for the boys and they were engrossed in
it. Suddenly Krishna lost the game and he had to hold the stick to be hit
by others. Balarama the strongest boy hit the stick held high
above his head by Krishna. The boys were playing on the river bank
and Krishna was standing with his back to the river. When Balarama
hit the stick of Krishna, it fell deep into the river behind him. Krishna
has to chase the boys only after picking up his stick. He did not
hesitate even for a moment. He immediately jumped into the river
without caring for the warnings of others.
Other boys shouted "Krishna
don’t enter the water, it is poisonous. come ashore. Remember
the huge snake in it which will kill you"
Krishna did not care and jumped into the water and swam towards the
floating stick which was carried away by the river’s current beyond his
reach. Krishna was swimming against the current which pushed him away
from his target. Krishna hesitated for a minute. The stick
was floating somewhere in the mid river. He saw a low branch of the
old jamboo tree above the water level. He caught hold of it
and heaved himself up and climbed the tree. He slowly moved
through another branch to the exact place from where he could jump into the
river to pick up his stick.
Some of the boys in the meantime ran away to their homes and
alerted the elders. Within a few minutes there were many on the banks
wondering what do do and how to save Krishna. Kaleeya, who was
hungry that day with nothing to eat, was very happy to find a boy
in the river to be his lunch.
Dear Children, I forgot to tell you that Kaleeyan was not an
ordinary snake, He had many heads with big hoods well spread like
When Krishna jumped into the deep mid river from the tree branch,
Kaleeya was directly under him under the water. In no time, he
caught hold of Krishna, encircled and coiled him with his long tail and began
crushing him. Krishna realized that he was in a fix now and had to act
fast to get rid of the huge snake. Kaleeyan was busy to spit
the poison on Krishna to kill him and swallow him.
Krishna suddenly began gaining strength and twisted the snake
away and extricated from its clutches. The grip with which he
twisted it made Kaleeyan feel the pain and he began spitting the venom on
Krishna. Krishna cleverly avoided the snake’s efforts and decided to
press its head down and jump on its spreaded hoods atop its heads.
Before long, Krishna was now on top of Kaleeyan’s heads thumping
and jumping on the spreaded hoods applying crushing weight and pressure
to break the skulls of the snake and damage the brains of
Kalyeeyan. Those standing in awe looking at Krishna imagined
that Krishna was joyously jumping and dancing on Kaleeyan’s head, holding
his tail in one hand and playing his flute which he always kept in the waist
bound by a cloth. The impact of Krishna’s increased weight and
force slowly made Kalyeen lose his consciousness and he was about
to die. His wives who heard the painful cries of Kaleeyan, surfaced
up from down the river and prayed to Krishna to spare the life of Kaleeyan
showing mercy on him for their sake.
Kaleeyan also begged "Krishna”, please
forgive me for my stupid act done without knowing who you are and please
show mercy on me. I will not do any harm to anyone hereafter”
Krishna took a pledge from him to leave the Yamuna river before night to
some other place without harming anyone in future"
Krishna then jumped from Kaleeyan’s heads to the tree branch
and landed ashore, amidst the delightful shoutings of the
boys and appreciation of the elders who were witness to this marvelous feat of
I read somewhere Kaleeyan thereafter moved to some
river or ocean near Fiji islands. But we have not heard anymore about
Kaleeyan and need not worry about entering Yamuna for bathing and worshipping
Krishna thanking him for the redemption of the beautiful and holy river for us.
Children! we all enjoy snake dance by young girls in groups in
many dance programmes, but whenever we see the picture of Krishna dancing on
Kaleeya’s hooded heads, kept and worshipped in our Pooja rooms we
can enjoy the beautify of his beaming face having no fear. Remember when
Krishna is in our minds there will be no fear at all!
The rivers are always enchanting
to look at and especially in the evenings if one has a chance to sit on the
riversand facing the running water with friends to talk about on interesting
subjects, munching ground nuts and baked peas, enjoying the cool breeze, there
is nothing equal to it, is n’t it? In
summer particularly, such an opportunity is heavenly.
Friday, 12 July 2013
Chant Krishna's names and become soft-hearted
tad aśma-sāraṁ hṛdayaṁ batedaṁ
yad gṛhyamāṇair hari-nāma-dheyaiḥ
na vikriyetātha yadā vikāro
netre jalaṁ gātra-ruheṣu harṣaḥ
“Certainly that heart is steel-framed which, in spite of one's chanting the holy name of the Lord with concentration, does not change when ecstasy takes place, tears fill the eyes and the hairs stand on end.”
--Srimad Bhagavatam
So hard-hearted is the heart of someone who does not melt with ecstasy while chanting the holy names, while soft-hearted is the heart which does melt with ecstasy while chanting Hare Krishna. The way to achieve a soft heart is to carefully chant these sweet names every day:
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
In this way the hardened steel heart will gradually become like molten gold as one learns to relish the experience of directly associating with Lord Sri Krishna in pure love.
tad aśma-sāraṁ hṛdayaṁ batedaṁ
yad gṛhyamāṇair hari-nāma-dheyaiḥ
na vikriyetātha yadā vikāro
netre jalaṁ gātra-ruheṣu harṣaḥ
“Certainly that heart is steel-framed which, in spite of one's chanting the holy name of the Lord with concentration, does not change when ecstasy takes place, tears fill the eyes and the hairs stand on end.”
--Srimad Bhagavatam
So hard-hearted is the heart of someone who does not melt with ecstasy while chanting the holy names, while soft-hearted is the heart which does melt with ecstasy while chanting Hare Krishna. The way to achieve a soft heart is to carefully chant these sweet names every day:
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
In this way the hardened steel heart will gradually become like molten gold as one learns to relish the experience of directly associating with Lord Sri Krishna in pure love.
Krishna is unborn
Krishna is not born. He is the unborn source of all existence. Nor are His avatars created by Brahma. Rather it is Brahma who is born from an expansion of an expansion of an expansion of an expansion of an expansion of an expansion of Krishna. I
n other words from Krishna comes Balarama; from Balarama comes Sankarsana; from Sankarsana comes Narayana; from Narayana, the second Sankarsana; from the second Sankarsana, Maha-Vishnu; from Maha-Vishnu, Garbhodakasayi Vishnu from whom Lord Brahma takes his birth.
Although Krishna appears in different forms corresponding to the 8,400,000 species created by Lord Brahma, He does so by His own free will out of His causeless mercy upon the fallen souls of this world, not by the creative power of Lord Brahma.
Krishna Story 15
Krishna, the Gopalan of Brindavan
by J.K. Sivan
Balaraman was now close to it and within a split second the demon turned back and began raising his hind legs to hit him. Balaram was quick enough to avoid the impact and shouted “Krishna, run away from this Ass, It suddenly hits back very powerful giving death blows” Now Dhenukasuran recognised his main target Krishna identified by Balaraman"calling him by name.
The boys were busy that evening explaining with joy and extreme happiness admiring their friend Krishna’s miraculous feats for the day in dealing with the Ass Demon which was shared equally with same joy and admiration by their parents.

The author can be reached at:
Krishna, the Gopalan of Brindavan
by J.K. Sivan
You all know what is GOKULAASHTAMI,
is not it? The Ashtami day in which Lord Krishna was born in the
month of Sravan (Aavani in tamil). A special sweet is prepared that
day in many houses called SEEDAI (with jaggery,coconut, rice
flour etc., fried in oil) which is very delicious to eat. In this
story, you will learn about GOPAASHTAMI!! This is
celebrated in the month of KAARTHIKAI, Suklapaksham,(from new moon day to full
moon) Ashtami. This is the day Krishna was recognized as a full
fledged Gopa to tend the cows independently. Most Krishna temples
in the north celebrate this day.
Cowherds of Brindhavan were systematic in their practices.
All the cows would be attended by the men whereas chidren would be trained to look
after the calves. Once they were trained and found to be capable of
independently put in charge of grazing the cows, be with them from dawn to
dusk, to safe guard them from natural and man made obstacles, they will be
entrusted the task of taking out the cows in herds. The day Krishna
was recognized as a Gopa, was celebrated in a grand manner in Brindhavan
by decorating the calves and cows with paints on their horns, new bells
around their necks, colourful cloths tied around their necks, with Turmeric,
vermilion designs on their foreheads. and garlands around their necks.
Every house in Brindhavan as usual had a festive look with rangolis,
paintings on the front walls, distribution of various sweetmeats and dances
besides chorus singing by gopis.
Balaraman and the other boys of Brindhavan village, therefore have been
all along entrusted with the task of playing with the calves only to know them,
learn their requirements and fulfil them, cater to their needs, take
them out not far away within safe zones etc., As such
every cowherd boy by the time he is about 10 year old or so
would have gained the experience of confidently looking after the
grown up calves, now, cows, taking them out for grazing in far off places
Krishna everything is different is n’t it? On the day he
proceeded with the boys as usual with the calves and cows, someone else was
also waiting to celebrate the day in a different manner!! Who could it be
other than a demon sent by the demon king Kamsan?
demon was known as Dhenukasuran,
told Balraman and the other boys “Let us all go to the yonder Thaal
van, where it is dense with trees and large grass fields. Dhenukaasuran
was also there waiting for Krishna in the form of an Ass. He used his
powerful hindlegs to attack and kill whoever neared him.
“Krishna look at the
big Ass staring at us!” shouted a few boys. The Ass was
looking fierce and standing still with red blood shot eyes. After
observing the boys for some time the Ass slowly walked towards the
boys. A few boys threw stones at it and ran away which irritated
Balaraman was now close to it and within a split second the demon turned back and began raising his hind legs to hit him. Balaram was quick enough to avoid the impact and shouted “Krishna, run away from this Ass, It suddenly hits back very powerful giving death blows” Now Dhenukasuran recognised his main target Krishna identified by Balaraman"calling him by name.
moved towards Krishna who was closely watching the demon. The
moment the ass turned its back and aimed to kick using its hind
legs at him, he was swift enough to catch hold of one of the hind legs and
swing it using its own force around. Dhenukasuran lost his balance when
caught by Krishna.
enormous strength was not known to Dhenukasuran. He underestimated
Krishna as a small cowherd boy. When he tried best to
extricate his leg from Krishna by hitting with the other leg,
Krishna who was waiting for the chance caught hold of the other leg
also. Now Dhenukasuran was fully at the mercy of Krishna. But
Krishna gave him no chance. He lifted him with full force and
after swinging him around high above threw him with full force against the rock
near by. Dhenukasuran flew in the sky and landed on the rock in full
force which broke his bones. He was unable to move and bleated loud
in pain.
Within moments,
Dhenukasuran breathed his last and lay dead in his demonic form. The
cowherd boys were shocked to see the dead demon who came in the form of
an Ass. Krishna was unperturbed and was as usual smiling at them.
Dear Children, don’t
you know how shrewd, Krishna has always been a clever boy ever
ready for any attack on him as he was aware of the plans of Kamsa to kill
him but he had better counter plans which Kamsa did not know.
The boys were busy that evening explaining with joy and extreme happiness admiring their friend Krishna’s miraculous feats for the day in dealing with the Ass Demon which was shared equally with same joy and admiration by their parents.

The author can be reached at:
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