Krishna Story 2
by J.K. Sivan
Dear Children,
When you were born how happy your parents were? How much they dreamt to plan and nicely celebrate your birthday.
Krishna was born at mid night, with
Rohini as his star, on Ashtami day in Sravana month at Mathura,the lat.long degree being (27*25’ North; 77*41’ East) on July 19, 3228 BC.!!
His disposed of many wicked kings, rakshasas, demons etc.,to save the pious and the god-fearing from death. He tried to prevent the fatricidal war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas. Mahabharata war took place about 3138 B.C. when Ketu Dasa was in progress in the Lord's horoscope. Ketu is in the 9th, the house of Saturn, whose results Ketu should give. Saturn is Yogakaraka and occupies the 7th having gained digbaia or directional strength. Krishna's role in the Mahabharata war was great. As charioteer to Arjuna, He remained a silent observer of the war, but directed "the movements to accomplish His final object of destroying the wicked and protecting the innocent".

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by J.K. Sivan
Dear Children,
When you were born how happy your parents were? How much they dreamt to plan and nicely celebrate your birthday.
a child just born but immediately separated from the parents,
transplanted into someone’s house and
being brought up by them as their own child.
This is how Krishna’s birthday happened to be. Of course the foster
parents did not know the child was not theirs!
He was dark, thought to be their
child in the Gopa (cowherds) community.
They did not much care about his Horoscope. Later many experts charted
His horoscope.
This is how it appeared and the
predictions entirely tally His deeds and
attitude, character and
achievements This chart is drawn and predictions
are by no less a person than sri B.V.Raman, the famous Astrologer
of Moon’s main period at the time of birth = 4 yr – 2 ms -24 days. Planetary
Positions at the time of birth of Bhagavan Sri Krishna:
I give below Sri Raman’s predictions on
Krishna’s horoscope charted by him.
Features.—The Lagna is Taurus or Vrishabha, a sign of Venus, and it is occupied
by the Moon and aspected by Saturn-- Krishna is extremely handsome.
dominance of the influences of the Moon and Venus, with Saturn and Mars - His
appearance, wonderfully graceful. Krishna possessed a magnetic personality,
crimson cheeks, 'coral lips', a fascinating face and a sky-blue
complexion—features largely due to the delicate blending of the martian,
saturnine, venusian and lunar features. Lagna lord Venus is in his own
navamsa.--- Krishna was a master of courtesy to everyone.
invincible prowess in battle field is brought
out by the neecha-bhanga of the martial planet Mars in the 3rd or house of
courage. He therefore defeated mighty
Sisupala etc, with courage, tact and resourcefulness.
Moon, the planet of emotion, is exalted in Lagna, and unafflicted by Rahu--
great serenity of mind,
the planet of intellect who owns the 2nd or house of speech is exalted in the
5th or house of intelligence. This
unique combination resulted in
Krishna’s wonderful intelligence and extraordinary conversational
ability. His giant intellect was
unequalled. He was a super thinker. Krishna’s uncanny diplomacy and unbounded
vision—due to ideal disposition of Mercury. Jupiter is in the 4th. Krishna
had rich and responsive human sympathy. Sun's association in his own place rendered
Krishna a terror to the wicked and a friend to the wise.
10th lord aspects the Lagna, the Atmakaraka Sun and the planet of Dharma
Jupiter, in their turn aspect the 10th. Consequently He possessed a passionate
zeal to safeguard Dharma. Krishna's birth in prison is justified by the
association of the lords of Lagna (Venus) and the 12th (Mars) with Rahu.
Jupiter, lord of the 11th (elder brothers and sisters), has gained 8 navamsas
and is in the 9th. He is aspected by Saturn in Rasi and has joined Rahu in
navamsa. It must be noted that Krishna was the 8th issue, all the eider ones
having been put to death by Kamsa. Due to the exaltation of Matrukaraka Moon
and the situation of Pitrukaraka Sun in his own house with Jupiter, his parents
were long-lived.
Kalatrakaraka Venus and the 7th lord Mars together, with Rahu explain why Krishna had many wives! . But as Venus is near Rahu and away from the
sensual planet Mars. His love for His wives had no taint of carnality. He was
free from attachment of any kind. Birth
in a sign of Venus no doubt endowed him with a vital nature but it was under
conscious control. Mercury, exalted in the 5th or house of children, occupies
the constellation of the Sun while Jupiter Putrakaraka is in association with
the Sun, --- He had many children. The 4th or house of education is
considerably fortified due to the presence of Jupiter and the Sun-Jupiter
occupying the constellation of Venus. –Krishna was an expert in "siksha,
kalpas, vedangas and all the Vedas, archery, mimamsa, logical and six
expedients of politics".
Important Events — The
Moon, though excellently placed, owns the 3rd while Mars, as ruling the 7th, is
a definite maraka. Consequently practically throughout the Dasas of the Moon
and Mars, which extended till the native was aged about 11 years--- Krishna
encountered several asuras (
Kamsa deputed rakshasas to kill Him). Probably at the fag end of Kuja Dasa,
Krishna put to death His maternal uncle and tyrant Kamsa- Mars as lord of the 7th in association with
Venus, lord of the 6th (enemies), in the 3rd (an upachaya) enabled Krishna to
achieve victory over His greatest enemy and thus tide over the maraka period.
His disposed of many wicked kings, rakshasas, demons etc.,to save the pious and the god-fearing from death. He tried to prevent the fatricidal war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas. Mahabharata war took place about 3138 B.C. when Ketu Dasa was in progress in the Lord's horoscope. Ketu is in the 9th, the house of Saturn, whose results Ketu should give. Saturn is Yogakaraka and occupies the 7th having gained digbaia or directional strength. Krishna's role in the Mahabharata war was great. As charioteer to Arjuna, He remained a silent observer of the war, but directed "the movements to accomplish His final object of destroying the wicked and protecting the innocent".
Ketu is Mokshakaraka and he is in the 9th in the constellation of the Moon
aspected by the martial planet Mars. And Saturn, as we have already seen, is
immensely fortified. It was at the fag end of Ketu Dasa, that the immortal
Bhagavadgita was taught by the Lord to Arjuna, on the battle-field, before the
war commenced, when Arjuna, overcome by emotional weakness, shirked from his
duty as a Kshatriya to fight for a just cause. In the remaining Dasas of Venus,
the Sun and the Moon, Krishna passed a peaceful and happy life. With the dawn
of Kuja Dasa again dissensions amongst Yadavas broke out. It will be
seen that Mars as lord of the 7th is a definite maraka and he occupies the 3rd,
a house of longevity, with Rahu. In the Navamsa again Mars is in the 2nd, a
house of maraka. Consistent with the nature of Mars, Krishna chose to depart to His own
abode Krishnaloka (Goloka vrindavana) "in person".
Atmakaraka Sun with the Gnanakaraka
Jupiter aspecting the 10th or Karmasthana --
shows Krishna’s integrated and
balanced personality. Yogakaraka Saturn is Vargottama and has digbala. His
aspecting the Sun and Jupiter and his being placed in his own constellation are
favourable factors rendering the nativity strong and sound. Since Saturn
happens to be Ayush-karaka also, his strong disposition conferred a long life
of 125 years. Mercury's exaltation in a trikona—as lord of the 2nd (speech) in
the 5th (intelligence) denotes wonderful and extraordinary intellect. It will
be seen that Lagna lord Venus is with two malefics. This combination plus the
kendra position of Jupiter and the Sun indicates perfection of all aspects of
His personality. He was an ideal father, an ideal son, an ideal king, an ideal
husband, an ideal statesman and an ideal teacher.
We need no Astrologer to tell us how it could be
that all these plus points were in Krishna’s Horoscope because
we all know he was not a human
being like us -- Why should it surprise us
when the person in whose horoscope all these great qualities were found
is not like you and me, but God on earth...?

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