My Spiritual Master writes
Go Out and Make the World Krishna Conscious
Our spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, has given us the seemingly impossible duty of making the entire world Krishna conscious.
He told us, his disciples, on 17 December 1973 in Los Angeles, "Become guru and deliver the whole world." But what we can do on our own? We are a small number of souls struggling to awaken the entire human population to Krishna consciousness.
On our own, there is no way that we can be successful in carrying out this mission. But if you, and more and more others like you, will now step forward to dedicate your lives to this mission, there is substantial hope that we can be successful.
So kindly now step forward and offer yourself as the dedicated servant of the Krishna consciousness movement. This is our humble request.
Whatever talents and opulences you possess are the gifts of Krishna. So now, kindly engage these gifts in the service of Krishna who blessed you with them.
In this way your talents and opulences will increase. You will become unlimitedly happy, and the entire world will become happy.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari
My Spiritual Master can be reached at: For an ecstatic e-course in self-realization through pure Krishna Bhakti, please enrol with Him at:
Go Out and Make the World Krishna Conscious
Our spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, has given us the seemingly impossible duty of making the entire world Krishna conscious.
He told us, his disciples, on 17 December 1973 in Los Angeles, "Become guru and deliver the whole world." But what we can do on our own? We are a small number of souls struggling to awaken the entire human population to Krishna consciousness.
On our own, there is no way that we can be successful in carrying out this mission. But if you, and more and more others like you, will now step forward to dedicate your lives to this mission, there is substantial hope that we can be successful.
So kindly now step forward and offer yourself as the dedicated servant of the Krishna consciousness movement. This is our humble request.
Whatever talents and opulences you possess are the gifts of Krishna. So now, kindly engage these gifts in the service of Krishna who blessed you with them.
In this way your talents and opulences will increase. You will become unlimitedly happy, and the entire world will become happy.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari
My Spiritual Master can be reached at: For an ecstatic e-course in self-realization through pure Krishna Bhakti, please enrol with Him at: