
Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Krishna is not demanding, but democratic!

The entire world is hankering for peace. But nobody knows how and where to get it.
Therefore Lord Sri Krishna has so kindly revealed in the Bhagavad-gita the genuine formula for peace. He explains there that anyone who knows Him as the supreme enjoyer, supreme proprietor, and as the best friend of all living beings can attain relief from all material miseries and that nobody else can.
Some people are resentful that Krishna is drawing such a hard line. They object on the grounds that Krishna is so demanding. Krishna kindly gives such persons the freedom to ignore or even abhor His instructions. This is their free choice, but by doing so they continue to relegate themselves to the miserable world of birth, death, old age, and disease.
If they choose to utilize their free will in this way, that it is their business. They will continue to sow what they reap. But those who are highly advanced in intellectual understanding prefer to give up their rebellion against the Supreme Lord and achieve inconceivable, ever-increasing peace and happiness for all of eternity.


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