
Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Who Is Krishna? ..... (12)
(This is the concluding part of our series on Who Is Krishna?)

Krishna, as described in Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 10

Krishna is the Withholder of Creation (82.45).

Krishna is Withholder, Creator and Preserver (63.44).

Master of the functions of creation, etc. (16.49, 37.12).

Krishna is devoid of distinction as of kinship (74.21).

Krishna is devoid of distinction as between kin and alien (72.6).

Krishna indwells the Universe created by Himself (48.19).

Krishna is satisfied by the taste of His Self-Delight (72.6).

Krishna is the Destroyer of the worldly sojourn of His devotees (60.43).

Krishna is the Wearer of body according to His Wish (1.7).



  1. Very nice picture sir. I wish to read the first eleven parts. Viji

  2. I have saved this picture for my wall paper:)
