
Thursday, 29 November 2012

The God of Death Has No Jurisdiction to Punish Devotees of Sri Krishna
What Can Yama Do 
Krishna Devotees?
Yamaraja said to the Yamadutas: "Considering all these points, therefore, intelligent men decide to solve all problems by adopting the devotional service of chanting the holy name of the Lord, who is situated in everyone's heart and who is a mine of all auspicious qualities. Such persons are not within my jurisdiction for punishment. Generally, they never commit sinful activities, but even if by mistake or because of bewilderment or illusion they sometimes commit sinful activities, they are protected from sinful reactions because they always chant the Hare Krishna mantra".
A pure devotee is one whose intelligence is clear; he is truly thoughtful because he engages in the service of the Lord - not as a matter of show, but with love, with his mind, words and body. Nondevotees may make a show of religion, but it is not very effective because although they ostentatiously attend a temple or church, they are thinking of something else. Such persons are neglecting their religious duty and are punishable by Yamaraja. But a devotee who commits sinful acts, which he may do unwillingly or accidentally because of his former habits, is excused. This the value of the sankirtana movement.

- (Srila Prabhupada's Purport to Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.3.26)

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