
Thursday, 7 March 2013

All that matters is Krishna's satisfaction 

For Gopis, it is Krishna's satisfaction is all that matters

The more that we are willing to go through hell for Krishna, the more Krishna sees that we truly love Him and the more we become blessed with transcendental happiness. This is very nicely illustrated by one of Krishna's pastimes.

One time Krishna pretended that He had a headache. Many physicians came to cure Him, but still His "headache" persisted. Finally He said, "No physician has been able to cure me. But if my devotee can give me the dust of his feet on my head, then I can be cured."
So a messenger began approaching all of the devotees asking that them to give their foot dust to cure Krishna's headache. But nobody wanted to give. They were thinking, "If I give the dust of my feet for Krishna's head, I will go to hell." Even when Narada Muni was approached he said, "How it is possible that I shall give the dust of my feet to Krishna? No, no, no, it is not possible."

Then Krishna asked His messenger "Go to Vrindavana and ask the gopis if they can give their foot dust. They are My best friends. See if they are prepared to give some foot dust. I am very much suffering from headache."
Even though nobody else was prepared to give, as soon as the gopis were approached they thought, "Oh no, my beloved Krishna is sick! Food dust is needed to cure His headache?" They immediately told the messenger, "Please take. Please take."
In amazement the messenger asked them, "Aren't you afraid that by giving your foot dust to Krishna that you will go to hell?" The gopis replied, "We do not care if we go to hell by offering our dust of feet on the head of Krishna. Never mind if we shall go to hell. Let Krishna be happy. That's all. Krishna will be happy."
This is the mood of the gopis. It doesn't matter to the gopis if they have to go to hell or even the whole world has to go to hell. For them Krishna's satisfaction is all that matters. This mood of service to Krishna is called uttama bhakti, the topmost level of spiritual perfection known as pure devotional service.


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