
Thursday, 13 December 2012

Krishna Bestows Deliverance Even to His Enemy!
Despite his hatred for Krishna, Sisupala attained the lotus feet of Krishna for the constant rememberance of His form 
The essential cause of all names of the Lord lies in Krishna. Sisupala, having a mind absorbed in enmity to the Lord for continuous, countless births, uttered the unlimited names of the Lord produced through His pastimes at that time. Moreover, Krishna’s form, with eyes like unfurled lotus petals, wearing pure crown, armlets, necklaces and bracelets, clothed in bright yellow cloth and holding in his four broad arms the conch, chakra, club and lotus, did not leave the mind of Sisupala at all, because of his deep enmity, while he walked, ate, bathed, sat and slept.
- (Srila Rupa Gosvami in His Laghu-bhagavatmrita, Text 46)

Because Sisupala’s mind was absorbed in the form of Krishna which constantly revealed His energy (sakti) of attractiveness, which brings about liberation, he attained liberation when killed by Krishna. Attractiveness is of two types: sweetness of the name and sweetness of the form. Both are manifest in Krishna. The causes of all the names of the husband of Lakshmi, such as being the killer of demons, having lotus eyes, holding a bow and riding Garuda, were all present in Krishna. Being born of Vasudeva is a cause, and the resulting name is Vaasudeva. By such sweet names, Krishna displayed attractiveness.

By these names, Sisupala understood that the person before him was Visnu. However, with heart absorbed in hatred for many continuous births in the past, Sisupala criticized Krishna using those attractive names arising from the performance of His pastimes at that time. As well, his mind became attracted by the sweetness of Krishna’s form. That form did not leave Sisupala’s mind, which was fixed in Krishna. He was absorbed while he was walking, eating, bathing, sitting and sleeping, because of hatred. He thus remembered Krishna all the time and at all places. Therefore, after being killed by the chakra, his demon body was destroyed and he attained the lotus feet of Krishna.
- (Rupa Gosvami in His Laghu-bhagavatamrita, Text 63-64)


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