Krishna relishes spontaneous affection for Him
Although it may sometimes appear that the liberated
devotees have forgotten that Lord Krishna is God, this is actually an
arrangement by Yogamaya for increasing the pleasure of the Lord and His
For example, as Vasudeva carried his baby son Krishna
across the Yamuna River, the baby fell into the river. Srila Prabhupada writes,
“Just to test the intense love of Vasudeva, Lord Krishna fell down into the
waters of the Yamuna while His father was crossing the river. Vasudeva became
mad after his child as he tried to recover Him in the midst of the rising river”
(Bhagavatam 3.2.17, purport). Lord Krishna did not want Vasudeva to think, “Oh,
Krishna will save Himself; He is God,” but He wanted to evoke the paternal rasa
in full intensity.
In a similar way, mother Yasoda sometimes expressed her
maternal love for baby Krishna by punishing Him. And when His mother came to
punish Him, Krishna reciprocated by running away in fear.
Srila Prabhupada
describes this apparent contradiction as follows:
Lord’s pure devotee renders service unto the Lord out of unalloyed love only,
and while discharging such devotional service, the pure devotee forgets the
position of the Supreme Lord. The Supreme Lord also accepts the loving service
of His devotees more relishably when the service is rendered spontaneously out
of pure affection, without any reverential admiration.
[Srila Prabhupada in Bhagavatam 1.8.31, Purport]
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