The Matchless Beauty of Krishna

The matchless beauty of Krsna, the Supreme Lord of Goloka, is being described. Krsna, the all-pervading cognition, has a spiritual form of His own. The form of Krsna is not a fanciful creation of imagination formed after visualizing the beautiful things of the world. What Brahma saw in his ecstatic trance of pure devotion, is being described.
Krsna is engaged in playing upon His flute. That flute by his enchanting musical sound attracts the hearts of all living beings. Just as a lotus petal produces a pleasant sight, so the two beautiful eyes of Krsna who causes the manifestation of our spiritual vision, display the unlimited splendor and beauty of His moonlike face. The loveliness that adorns His head with peacock feather figures, the corresponding feature of the spiritual beauty of Krsna. Just as a mass of blue clouds offers a specifically soothing, pleasant view, the complexion of Krsna is analogously tinged with a spiritual dark-blue color. The beauty and loveliness of Krsna is far more enchanting that that of Cupid multiplied a millionfold.
Brahma Samhita Chapter 5 text 30
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